21 Hours in Bilbao


Our Unicorn T. did it again, and took a disposable camera on one of her trips. 
This time the city of choice was Bilbao in the North of Spain.

Read more about how this challenge started and her story about her first try on the 21 Hours in Lisbon post.

After the first 21 Hours and 21 Picture challenge I did in Lisbon, I wanted to try it again.
This time in another favourite city of mine; Bilbao.

Another disposable camera was bought rather quickly, before jumping on a bus from San Sebastián to the center of the Basque Country.
— T.
Since my 21 hours in Lisbon I learnt that I have to work on my timing.
We at Honest. agreed on one picture per hour. This time I wouldn’t leave out the views and the artsy parts of the city.

I spent a couple of hours in the Guggenheim Museum that day, as you can see in the gallery. 
A place which calms me down and excites me at the same time. 

One more thing that always takes my breath away in Bilbao is the architecture, which I tried to capture as much as possible with the strict time line I had.
— T.

Top 3 things to do in Bilbao:

1. Guggenheim Museum
2. Strolling through the park. 
3. Eating in the old part of town.

T. is already thinking about where she will go next. If you want to take up this fun challenge as well, please don't hesitate to contact us.  

A Note From Luca

It all started with me cruising towards the sunset on my second day at Burning Man. I have spent a lot of time thinking about my life and which paths to choose and I felt like I needed to do more, to support others, to build a community, and to help each other. Today’s world can be a cold and lonely place and it’s hard to always know right from wrong. I know so many who struggle to find their way and in my experience it just sometimes needs the inspiration and the push of others to get you back on track. I want to work and create, collaborating with others not competing. I knew that this should be the heart of it, the heart of HONEST. 

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