Honest. Advocate: Daniela Pastere
Daniela Pastere
Jurmala, Latvia - 2015
Zenit 11 camera, Kodak Ultramax 35mm film
Daniela Pastere is a twentysomething, born and raised in Riga, currently living in the beautiful city of Hamburg.
Fascinated by all things visual, whether it is photography, sculpture or illustration, she tries to capture life as she sees it.
She often wishes her camera would be light as a feather and a bit smaller, so she could never leave home without it.
Kemeri, Latvia - 2016
Zenit 11 camera, Kodak Ultramax 35mm film
The most common theme in her work is most certainly the relationship between human and nature.
Daniela talks about escaping to the wilderness, the dramatic change from our fast-paced environment with a constant exposure to stress and a never-ending information flow to the state of complete silence and stillness.
Hamburg, Germany. - 2012
Zenit 12xp camera, Kodak Ultramax 35mm film
“I like to portray the feeling of smallness and fragility of people in the face of Mother Nature: Their intimate, honest relationship with it while no one is around as they turn inward, look outward and enjoy the silence.”
Riga, Latvia - 2016
Zenit 11 camera, Kodak Ultramax 35mm film
“My biggest challenge is to capture the atmosphere in every photo, to deliver feelings even to those who do not hold any memories of the happening.”
Riga, Latvia - 2016
Zenit 11 camera, Kodak Ultramax 35mm film
“Film photography with its exquisite warm colors adds the nostalgic feel to the photographs and seems to fit my aim perfectly.”
Riga, Latvia - 2016
Zenit 11 camera, Kodak Ultramax 35mm film